Bormann Family / Family Maternity Photography

February 2, 2015

This family-maternity photography session was truly a very fun photoshoot! Mario, Liejandrie and Zian are so excited to meet this little girl  soon! A Family Maternity is always such a great session, to see the love parents have for their little ones, and visa versa, the adoration the little one has for his parents! I cannot wait to meet this little girl, and to see their family grow*

Maternity Photographer / Family photographer / Family Maternity Photography

Holiday fun at the Beach / Jeffrey’s Bay

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And what a gorgeous Mamma this pretty lady is!

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And to end off a fun Family session, the family group together*

Aliyah Newborn Studio Shoot – pretoria photographer
Joel’s Newborn Studio photoshoot
Fruit Smash Photoshoot, Pretoria
Lihan / Pretoria Newborn and Family photographer Appelliefie Art
Naudé Family Maternity Photoshoot – Pretoria, Mooikrans Venue and Garden
Caleb’s First Birthday CAKE SMASH PHOTOSHOOT
die Maree gesin / Bloemfontein Photographer /Family Photoshoot