Hannah’s Newborn Lifestyle Photography shoot / Pretoria Newborn and Lifestyle photographer Appelliefie

March 6, 2019

Newborn little Hannah’s Lifestyle Photography shoot / Pretoria Newborn and Lifestyle photographer Appelliefie


The de Jongh family welcomed their precious little Hannah into the world, and into their loving arms.

​”From the moment they placed you in our arms, you snuggled right into our hearts.”

A baby is born with a need to be loved – and never outgrows it.
~Frank A. Clark


appelliefie art and photography newborn and lifestyle photographer pretoria

Newborn Lifestyle Photography Shoot


Aliyah Newborn Studio Shoot – pretoria photographer
Joel’s Newborn Studio photoshoot
Fruit Smash Photoshoot, Pretoria
Evans Family / Pretoria Family Photographer / Appelliefie Art & Photography
3 year Anniversary Session / Janine&Frikkie / Wedding Photographer
Joshua / Dry Family’s Newborn Photos – Family Lifestyle Photographer
Cindy and JP’s Wedding / Cussonia Crest – Pretoria Wedding Photographer