Perfect little Andries at 2days new / Newborn Photography / a hospital session

August 21, 2014

I offer a “Perfectly NewNewborn session that is a Hospital session, where we capture a perfect little one at 2 days still in the hospital, it is a gorgeous moment to see new parents who have just fallen inLove with their little one, who don’t have words to describe this new feeling that overcomes them, this amazing blessing!

Capturing little ones and newborns is truly such a moving experience, and loving and adorable and sweet and precious and so so blessed wrapped all in one!

So here is a beautiful little red-head (parents were so proud that he had his Daddy’s hair colouring!).

AC and Lourene have such a cutie pie* Meet little Andries du Toit

Newborn Photography:

a hospital session @ 2 days new
baby portraiture

a hospital newborn session Newborn perfectly new: a hospital session perfectly new: 10 fingers perfectly new: 10 toes 0480 0369 0382 0421 Black&white newborn 0460 0468 0440 0572 bw0437

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