the Coetzer Family / Pretoria East Family Photographer

April 26, 2017

Family Photography : THE COETZER FAMILY

– Kian turns ONE –

Appelliefie Art and Photography : Capturing each special moment and milestone, making your memories last a lifetime.

I met the Coetzer family on such a special day : Kian’s very first birthday!

Having met Elana and Kian before with a lovely Mom&Me Photoshoot at Pienkvoet Pret Silverlakes, it was such a pleasure meeting Dad Wouter, and  celebrating their precious little Kian’s BIG day at their beautiful home in silver lakes. I not only got to have fun with Mom,Dad and precious little ONE year NEW Kian, but their two gorgeous Labrador’s, as well as their two kitty cats! such fun it was, a true family photoshoot with the entire family, pets and all!!


I just love this Quote from the Little Prince:

“And now here is my secret, a very simple secret: It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.”
― Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince

But here, I think “what’s essential” is definitely visible to the eye as well : LOVE – for their precious family! and such a beautiful love it is!



Family Photographer Appelliefie Art and Photography
Pretoria East Lifestyle Photographer
Family Photographer Pretoria
Family Photoshoot, First Birthday, Fun Photoshoot, Pets and all!

Pretoria East Family Photographer



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the Coetzer Family / Pretoria East Family Photographer
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