die Maree gesin / Bloemfontein Photographer /Family Photoshoot

January 27, 2015

The Maree Family enjoyed this Family session at the Beach on this gorgeous sunny afternoon. Between a few rainy days, with the sun out and the sea sand under their feet, Jacques, Alva and Milan had fun in Jeffrey’s Bay with the waves breaking around them and all the shells glimmering in the sun! Milan is a little collector, and how much fun he had!

Family Photoshoot / Family Session / Family portraiture

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Aliyah Newborn Studio Shoot – pretoria photographer
Joel’s Newborn Studio photoshoot
Fruit Smash Photoshoot, Pretoria
Murray and Marinel – a beautiful LongMeadow Wedding / pretoria wedding photographer
Tayla’s fun-filled Cake Smash
Bubble Guppies First Birthday Party / Luche /Pretoria Children and Family Photographer
Marianne and Zane / a beautiful wedding