Pretoria Familyshoot Competition / Pretoria East Photographer Appelliefie Art

September 14, 2016

Terms and Conditions for…

Appelliefie Art + Photography Competitions



Pretoria Familyshoot Competition


When entering our online competition you are agreeing to sign up to receive a Appelliefie Art + Photography e-newsletter.

General Terms for all Appelliefie Art + Photography competitions:

How to enter online competitions:

Who can enter? Anyone can enter provided the entrant will be able to be in Pretoria at the time of their prize shoot, a resident of South Africa and has not won a prize or redeemed a gift voucher with Appelliefie Art + Photography within the 12 months prior to the draw date. Prizes inadvertently awarded to persons who do not meet these restrictions will be voided, redrawn and re-awarded, where possible.

Notification: Prize winners will be notified by mail, email, or phone unless in the case of a Facebook Competition, here the Winner will receive a Facebook personal message from the Photographer. Appelliefie Art + Photography is only obliged to notify winners on one occasion, but may, at it’s sole discretion, use more than one method or attempt to notify on more than one occasion. Notification will occur within one week of the particular draw date.

Selection of Winners: Appelliefie Art + Photography competition winners may be selected by: 1) A random draw of a designated number of prize winners where the competition has all prizes of equal value. 2) Where the competition has a major prize and then several smaller prizes the first entrant drawn will be deemed the major prize winner, and subsequent entries drawn (up to the maximum) will be “runner up” prize winners. 3) Where a competition includes a creative question (ie “why would you like to win?”) the major and subsequent prize winners (if any) will be selected by Appelliefie Art + Photography staff based on a ranking of their favourite answers to the creative question. If for any reason the number of valid entrants is less than the number of designated prizes available, each valid entrant will receive a prize and surplus prizes will be void.

Start, end, and draw dates: Unless otherwise specified on the entry form or competition description, all competitions will be deemed to have started from the moment in a particular month when the competition entry forms are published or, in the case of Facebook competitions, made publicly available and, unless otherwise specified, will be deemed to end at 12.00 midnight on the last day of the same calendar month. The draw of prizes will take place at an operationally practical time for Appelliefie Art + Photography staff, but never later than two calendar months from the end date of the competition.

Number of Prizes: Unless specified differently in the particular competition promotional material, the number of prizes for each competition will be maximum of 1. Where there is a conflict between these terms and the particular competition promotional material, the competition promotional material will be deemed correct.

Value of Prizes: Unless specified differently in the particular competition promotional material, NO photography session / shoot is transferrable for a cash amount, inter-changeable for a different session other than that stipulated on the specific competition’s type, or be given away to someone else..

Copyright, Moral Rights, and promotional usage of images: In consideration for the right to enter a particular competition each entrant agrees that, should they win a prize, copyright and moral rights of any photographs taken shall be assigned to Appelliefie Art + Photography. Entrants further agree that Appelliefie Art + Photography may use, without payment of a fee to the entrant, any images taken during the prize shoot for promotion of Appelliefie Art + Photography products and services, including, but not limited to, use of paid images on all internet social medias such as Facebook, the internet, signage or studio displays. The entrant agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Appelliefie Art + Photography against any claims that may arise out of the publication of such images.

General Terms for Claiming winning session:

The Photography Shoot / Session won, is not redeemable for cash or swop in allocated type of session.
Appelliefie Art + Photography works by appointment only and it is essential to book your shoot by calling the studio on the phone number provided on your prize certificate or this website.

Family Shoot will consist of 2 – 5 Members ONLY – if you would like to arrange for more members, it will be charged @ R200 per person that is added to the maximum of the 5 members for the winning session.

Bookings are subject to photographer and Locations availability.
Booking Photo Shoots Policy:

Appelliefie Art + Photography works by appointment only.
All bookings must be made by phone by calling the studio number on this website or on our promotional material. The Location shall be in Pretoria East, unless otherwise stipulated on the winning letter.

Most shoots take around 45minutes to 1hr, but your shoot may be shorter or longer depending on its complexity, as well as stipulated in Winning email.

Your images will be delivered via an Online Image Gallery, which are downloadable for a period of time (expiry of online gallery will be made available to the claimant).

Downloading of your images is your own responsibility, and if not done prior to the gallery’s expiry date, it is not the responsibility of the Photographer to supply you with more images. If expiry date has passed with no download,  the images can be bought on a disc from the Photographer. This is the winner’s responsibility to arrange with the photographer if this becomes the situation.
Your entry+Win entitles you to a single booking and will be forfeited if you do not attend your appointment. Rescheduling, and carrying over of your session may be considered where 1) more than 48 hours notice is given 2) there is a genuine reason beyond your control 3) a substitute appointment is available. Any such rescheduling is entirely at the sole discretion of Appelliefie Art + Photography.
Appelliefie Art + Photography may refuse service where provision of service would, in our opinion, negatively effect the workplace rights, safety or well being of our staff or customers, or cause an unreasonable disruption to our normal operations.




FOLLOW these FOUR steps:

1. LEAVE a comment on THIS BLOG POST

2. as well as leaving a comment on the FACEBOOK photo itself.

3. LIKE appelliefie art + photography (

4. SHARE the post for the competition to your personal timeline


Good luck!!

Appelliefie Love and Kind Regards,

Caitlin (Appelliefie Fine Art Photographer)

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